It is our intent to ensure that children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which allows them to:
- Develop knowledge and skills which support both their current and future lifestyles.
- Increase their knowledge of coping strategies to deal with a range of situations and scenarios.
- Respect themselves and others
- Support them through their physical, emotional, and moral development.
- Develop healthy, positive safe relationships with both themselves and others
The three core themes of PSHE are ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Living in the Wider World’. These themes are further broken down into:
Health and Wellbeing | Relationships | Living in the Wider World |
Our curriculum is guided by the statutory guidance from the Department for Education and we follow Jigsaw PSHE which has 6 focus topics. These are: Being me in my world; Celebrating difference; Dreams and goals; Healthy me; Relationships; and Changing me.
Throughout our curriculum, we provide opportunities for children to learn how to safeguard themselves, respect others and, develop knowledge and understanding of all diversities, disabilities, and differences. We also ensure:
- Our children have a say in their curriculum.
- All areas are taught inclusively to all children.
- Their ideas and opinions are always welcomed and shared.
- A safe environment is provided where children feel confident to ask or answer a range of questions.
- Staff make links to other areas of the curriculum, such as British Values, School Values and The Protected Characteristics.
- Learning opportunities are matched to the individual needs of all children and extra preparation and process time is given to those when and where needed.
- Participation in Whole School Events such as E-Safety and Anti-Bullying Week to widen and use their knowledge and understanding.
- No judgement is made.
- Staff use the correct terminology and vocabulary throughout.
We will monitor the impact of children’s learning through:
- Pupil discussion
- Observations
- Monitoring coverage of area and learning objectives
- Monitoring books/folders
- Evaluating progress shown in pre- and post-assessments at the end of each unit.
- Children applying the skills taught during each lesson in real life situations, such as sorting out friendship issues on the playground.
The Protected Characteristics
As a school, we use Jigsaw PSHE to support the staff and children in enabling children to understand the key elements of PSHE (Including RSE) and be able to flourish as they grow through school.
The delivery of Jigsaw is taught slightly differently to some of our other subjects as we split into different year group mixes, rather than maintaining our normal class structure.
Year Groups Cycle A (2024-25) Cycle B (2025-26)
R Reception units Reception units
Y1 and Y2 Year 1 units Year 2 Units
Y3 and Y4 Year 3 units Year 4 Units
Y5 and Y6 Year 5 Units Year 6 Units
Please note, the topic relating to relationships and sex education will be taught separately to Year 6.
We are also able to offer parents access to the curriculum, which makes us compliant with the latest government guidance. Please contact Mrs Durant Good if you wish to see more about our curriculum.